Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 11 of my NO SUGAR Journey: Support and Encouragement

I had the great joy of being reunited with all of my friends today at Spaghetti Factory. 

It was basically all couples and of course the night started with segregation. 

Boys on one end of the table and girls on the other. Each talking about what interests them the most. 

Shopping, life, relationships, dieting and .... Well who know what guys talk about.

Obviously by the name of the restaurant you know I had pasta, but as we've said before, that is being allowed for this month. 

As the night went on, I thought I would be fine.... Then the waiter came and said everyone gets ice cream with their meals!!! 

I burst out "Hold my ice cream! I don't want it!"  

Everyone around me was enjoying ice cream and cake. Detour was an understatement. 

All I wanted to do was throw in the towel and join my friends in enjoying the sweets. 

On top of that, my girlfriends were making those oh so convincing arguments: "one time won't hurt" and "I'm going to quit sugar on Monday." 

For them these things were true!

One friend can afford to indulge every once in a while (like I said before, once I reach my desired weight I'll be able to enjoy a treat every now and then) and the other is actually quitting sugar on Monday. 

My "Monday" was 11 days ago.  So I had no excuse.  

Truly, the accountability of this blog helped keep me from caving in. 

Accountability is really important. 

I have to say my friends were incredibly supportive and tried to keep the sweet talk to a minimum around me. 

It's also important to have supportive people around you. 

There are some really important factors that go into dieting that most people are not aware of. 

Have you ever noticed that the second you decide to diet people start saying things like, "you're fine", "a little bit won't hurt", "what do you mean you want to lose weight?!", "You need a little bit of sugar, it's not good to cut out all sugar..." Huh? 

I could be wrong about this but I think subconsciously some people don't want you to start dieting because that means they have to start as well. 

If you're responsible they'll have no excuse for being irresponsible. 

If you do it, that means they can do it too, and they may not be ready to make a change so they try to stop you from making a change because your change will only make them feel like they failed. 

But we all love each other, it's not like your friends and family are purposefully trying to sabotage you.

So because we aren't aware of what's going on we allow ourselves to be convinced to give in to temptation. 

Also, someone else isn't going to care if you cheat because they have responsibilities of their own to think about. 

This is why it is so important to surround yourself with supportive, encouraging, understanding people and have a few friends that will keep you accountable, helping you put spoon full of ice cream down!

I was so happy to discover that my friends were so supportive. 

They were the main reason why I didn't cave. 

Their excitement for me excited me! 

It has been the case far to many times where I am surrounded by people who love me but discourage me from getting fit because they themselves did not find health a priority. 

The support and accountability of my friends last night was incredibly refreshing and made me feel genuinely cared for. 

I'm encouraged to continue and stay strong! 

Support and accountability will get you to the finish line. 

Thank you so much my friends for encouraging me and being so supportive. You really make this journey I'm taking  seem more like a joy and less like a depravity. 

Love you all so much! 

Joyful in all things,
                   Daisy Julia 

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