Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 4 of my NO SUGAR Journey: Prepared and Committed

Music, good people and too many sweeties! That was my day. 

My band, Buena Onda, and I threw a party for family and friends to come check us out and it was definitely a hit. 

Of course, as with most parties, there were goodies and sodas EVERYWHERE. 

When I got to the party I realized that I wasn't going to be able to eat much food throughout the evening because most of it contained sugar, including the beverages. 

I had to make an effort to drink lots of water through out the night and stay away from the goodie table.  

I realized a bit too late that it would have been wise of me to have eating a good meal before the party so that I would not be hungry and HAVE to compromise my diet by eating the sugar filled snacks that were calling out my name. 

I have to admit that since I stopped eating sugar my appetite has diminished. 

I'm not sure if one has anything to do with the other, but this helped me not want to eat everything at the party, which is normally the case with me. 

When I attend a party I normally throw all my diet rules away and go crazy! 

I figure parties don't happen often so it's okay to eat whatever I want cause "it's just this once". 

The problem is it's not, and parties, or gatherings, happen quite frequently. 

It's always either someone's birthday, anniversary, wedding, another holiday, getting together with friends you haven't seen in a long time or a family party "just because". 

There will always be something that comes up that's a "good enough reason" to compromise my diet. 

Well today I made a change and decided to fully commit to my diet and make no acceptions.

I drank water and ate 2 small carnita tacos and a handful of pita chips later on in the evening. 

It may not sound like a lot, but it filled me up and that's all I needed. 

I learned today that if I am going to attend an event of any kind, eating a good meal before I go will help me not cave when the opportunity to cheat presents itself. 

I also learned that "just this once" is just a big fat lie. Every weekend there is something new. 

"Saturday cheat day!" "Oh well, we're having a nice dinner with our friends who we haven't seen in a month, pasta and desert is okay for tonight", "For your birthday I'll make an exception", "it's a family party and the pastries were there, what was I suppose to do", "this is a special occasion". 

There will always be a reason to cave, but don't! Stick to what you promised yourself you would do for YOU. 

Today's lesson: Eat before you go out and practice commitment. 

Prepared and Committed! 

This is Buena Onda performing live in uptown Whittier tonight! We have fun, spread joy and enjoy this beautiful life! 

When you see what you want, you can get what you want. 

Visualize your goal and commit to the discipline it takes to attain your desires. 

Joyful in all things, 
               Daisy Julia 

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