Again I had just my meals, tea and water today.
Not because I forced myself to be limited to eating my meals and only that, but because I didn't get hungry in between meals.
However I did drink lots of water and tea in between meals.
My last meal of the day was pizza from an authentic pizza restaurant.
That's right, I had pizza!
Again I state, this month is ONLY about not eating sugar.
Next month I plan on moving on to refined carbs, but this month it's all about sugar.
I bring up the pizza I had for dinner today because I want to remind everyone that we are taking this one step at a time.
Some people are really good at cutting out unhealthy foods like sugar, carbs, dairy, and whatever other rules come with dieting, all at once and other people just can't bring themselves to imagine skipping on desert even one night.
I believe it is because they think about dieting and their brain short circuits.
For these people, I think it's best to take it one step at a time.
I may not be allowed to have ice cream but I ate that pizza good! I ate it real good!
Like I said a few days ago, being sugar free forced me to explore other fun foods I could eat that didn't contain sugar.
I have realized there is a lot of good stuff out there.
There are more fish in the sea!
I don't have to feel like I'm depriving myself completely.
Slowly I will begin to eliminate more bad foods and as I go I'll continue exploring the different snacks and meals I can enjoy instead.
And when I say enjoy, I mean actually enjoy.
Not pretend to enjoy it but really be thinking "Am I eating a piece of card board?? Is that what this is?"
So yes, you can have a pizza this month, or pasta or bread.
Enjoy it.
Obviously don't eat one everyday cause not only is that boring, but you're kind of abusing your rights.
Remember, the rabbit may have taken off faster, but the tortoise won in the end, because of consistency.
One step at a time.
The tortoise and the hare! Who will get there first?
My brother and I with Walter Jones who played Zack the first Black Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers tonight. Such a sweet hearted and fun person!
My brothers and I were absolute Power Rangers fanatics as kiddos!
Obviously I was always the Pink Ranger, but I would sometimes venture off and invent my own ranger.
The Purple Ranger!!
Always inventing my own rules.
Joyful in all things,
Daisy the Purple Ranger!
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