I woke up later then I hoped and there were not enough hours to get the reading done.
Because there was no time I had to skip breakfast and my precious morning glass of water.
I did most of my reading and rushed off to class.
The class is 3 hours long and we get a 15 minute break in the middle of class.
On that break I picked up a small meal and a water bottle.
My goodness was that water amazing.
I saw some cookies and began to think about what it would be like to eat it and HOW much better it sounded then a beef bowl.
I realized in that moment that in my hunger I preferred sugary foods over healthy foods.
Why does the body do that?
I'm not sure what the answer to that question is (if anyone knows please feel free to enlighten me) but it is true.
I realized this is normally how I've felt in the past under the same circumstances.
Whenever I don't eat breakfast or take a really long time before eating my first meal I start preferring cookies, donuts, muffins, candy bars, candy corn, teas with sugar in them and all kinds of sugar infested junk over salads, meet, veggies or even fruits.
The only reason why I ever have to wait this long to eat is because I'm behind schedule.
When I'm running late or have a lot to do the first thing I sacrifice is food.
I can only think of two solutions for this.
1. Stop running late.
2. Sacrifice something else.
But everything is so important! What do I sacrifice?
I can't sacrifice school. I can't sacrifice reading my bible. I CAN'T sacrifice practicing the songs I sing at my shows. I can't skip my classes.
Sacrificing a meal is the only thing that won't have negative repercussions.
If I sacrifice my meals then I crave sugar.
If I crave sugar then I eat sugar.
If I eat sugar then I gain weight.
If I gain wait then I feel bad about myself.
If I feel bad about myself then I won't try as hard in life.
If I don't try as hard in life then what's the point in filling up my schedule with all these to do's?
If I'm not doing it to the best of my ability how much will it really benefit me?
At the end of the day, eating poorly slows me down in life.
I become unmotivated because subconsciously I don't feel like I deserve it.
But I do deserve it!
We all deserve it!!!
So it seems that solution number 1 Is our best bet.
Stop running late!
Waking up early enough is important.
There are some people that will say "Daisy, I already wake up pretty early".
Well then go to sleep earlier and wake up even earlier.
Realistically all you need to do is wake up 15-20 minutes earlier.
I know someone who has to wake up at 5am to get to work so he wakes up at 4:45am to make his breakfast and then heads off to work at 5am.
In order to wake up early you need to go to sleep early.
My friend ALWAYS goes to sleep early.
And the reason why he does this is specifically so he wakes up early enough to get that first meal in and still be as punctual as he intended to be when he planned out his schedule for the day.
As a result, he is a VERY in shape guy... and sexy...... He's my boyfriend, and I'm one lucky girl!
So the solution looks like this:
Go to sleep early
You need at least 7 hours of sleep.
If you have stuff you need to do that you haven't finished that day, make a priority list, spread those things out on your schedule for the week and then, go to sleep.
Dream about pretty things.
Wake up 15 minutes before you need to wake up.
Make yourself a quick breakfast.
You don't have to get fancy about it, you just need to get something in that belly of yours that doesn't contain sugar.
Check your agenda
Paper or smartphone, whichever you prefer ... personally I like paper, but that's just me.
Look over your day, see what you have to get to first and start working.
Don't waist any time. It's not worth it.
Have lunch.
This shouldn't take more then 30 minutes out of your day.
You may want to use this time to relax and breath in some fresh air.
Get back to your schedule.
I really like to check things off as I finish them. It makes me feel accomplished.
Snack time
if you need it.
Make sure you're drinking water all day.
At least 8 glasses a day.
Dinner Time.
Make this fun. It can be with friends, family or it can be alone, but make yourself feel special.
It's your reward for all your hard work.
Relax. Unwind.
Check your agenda for the next day.
If there are things you wanted to get done today that you didn't have time for, add them into the next day.
Prioritize the next days to do's.
Go to sleep early.
Wake up. Repeat.
I've been doing this for the past few weeks and it really is the most amazing feeling.
Keep in mind though that it doesn't happen over night. Habits take time to break.
Be patient with yourself and encourage yourself, verbally out loud. Sounds funny but your brain only believes what it hears.
To hear more about encouraging yourself check this video out http://youtu.be/QCnfAzAIhVw
It pretty much changed my outlook on how I treat myself.
Start to tell yourself you can do it and you are an overcomer of all things, even time.
And slowly you will start to readjust.
Making this adjustment in your schedule will significantly reduce your chances of eating sugar.
You have to give yourself your best chance if you're going to embark on making a true change in your health and life.
Otherwise if you fail, it won't be because you couldn't do it, it'll be because you weren't fair to yourself.
Give yourself your best chance and stop running late!
It's Time to Consider Time!
As you can see, it is almost 4 in the morning.
We'll apply today's learned lesson to tomorrow's successful day together!
Joyful in all things,
Daisy Julia
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