Monday, October 6, 2014

Days 16-18 of my NO SUGAR Journey: The Good Sugar, Glucose

We often hear people talking about how our bodies do in fact need sugar to survive. 

They talk about how sugar is our main source of energy. 

This can be very miss leading and most of the time the people making these statements don't fully understand what they are referring to. 

Today we are going to properly explain, in simple terms, exactly what they are referring to. 

When people talk about sugar being our body's main energy source, they are referring to Glucose

Glucose is the form of energy we were designed to run on. 

It is a simple sugar found in the body used by every cell as a form of energy. 

So yes, you do need "healthy sugar" but no, you do not need to eat sugar to produce that "healthy sugar". 

Let me explain. 

Your body turns everything you eat into a simple sugar called glucose. 

This is done through a process called gluconeogenesis. 
(That's the only massive scientific word I'll use today, I promise.) 

This simple sugar is then deposited into your blood stream and gives your body energy. 

Here is where the confusion lies:

You do not need to eat sugar in order for your body to produce this very important sugar. 

Your body will turn proteins and healthy fats (like meats, veggies, avocado, nuts, olive oil...) into glucose, the simple sugar that your body needs. 

Let me say that again. 

Your body turns PROTEINS AND HEALTHY FATS into healthy sugar. 

"Are you saying I don't need to eat sugar to get sugar?" 


In fact, since the beginning of time, this is the way human bodies have always received energy until this generation. 

So ya!  You don't need to eat sugar to get this heathy sugar, and I'll tell you why. 

80% of glucose is instantly used by all the organs in your body while the other 20% goes to your liver, is metabolized and then stored for later use. 

If you eat things like cookies, candies, cake, donuts... and hey while we're at it... ketchup, most cereals, ranch dressing, most brands of any kind of juice, ice cream, a frapuccino or most coffee drinks... the list goes on, your body will produce tooooo much glucose and what the liver is not able to store will be stored as fat. 

Keep in mind, you're also consuming fructose sugar with these kinds of food and as we said before, fructose is processed by the liver, so you're really putting your liver through a lot. 

Your body can also produce glucose from things like rice, pastas and breads but most people over eat this and again, too much glucose is produced so it gets stored as fat. 

This is why a lot of diets will recommend just half a cup of rice with each meal, or half a slice of bread. 

But no one talks about the fact that you can get more then enough glucose, or body sugar, from proteins and healthy fats. 

Your body is going to make that healthy sugar from the healthy food you eat, so you don't need to consume more sugar, contrary to popular belief.  

So if you're telling yourself that you're eating sugar to "be healthy" you're lying to yourself and what's actually happening is you're storing fat because foods containing added sugar will be too much for your body to process in a healthy way. 

We are not designed to eat large amounts of refined sugar. 

So to recap: 

Most of the foods with added sugar contain fructose, and the body processes fructose in a very different way then glucose. 

Your body turns everything you eat into simple sugar (glucose) and if you're eating foods with added sugar (which will most likely contain fructose), your body is going to go bananas and store all that extra sugar as fat. 

So all you really need is proteins and heathy fats.

If you want to add bread, rice or pasta in there you have to make sure you're not eating too much, cause that will get stored as fat as well. 

This is the truth about sugar. 

If someone tells you "you need sugar for energy" you can say "I know. That's why my body will turn all the healthy food I eat into sugar for me." 

If they're confused, just have them read this blog. 

I really hope that clarifies things for us all because I know how frustrating it can be to eat sugary foods and wonder why the heck I'm getting fat, or plateauing, if my body is suppose to be burning sugar for energy when I work out. 

The good sugar, glucose! 

This was one crazy busy weekend and I apologize for being MIA for a few days. 
I've been either singing and researching glucose so that I can properly inform you. 

I'm happy to report that there were no slip ups this weekend. This girl is still sugar free! 

We have a gig this weekend if anyone is interested! Check us out on Facebook. Our band is called Buena Onda. 

Joyful in all things, 
                   Daisy Julia 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 15 of my NO SUGAR Journey: Furious Fructose!

Lately I've been telling you about my experience with getting over sugar and we've been sharing ideas on how to get creative but today we're going to change things up a bit. 

I was inspired to explain, as simply as I can, the complicated concept that is SUGAR. 

I was told today that sugar is actually good for you. 

Some people might respond by saying that is absolutely not true and others actually believe that is true. 

Well the answer to that is it both is and isn't. 

But it's not as simple as that. 

There are actually different forms of sugar. 

Often times we hear the words glucose, fructose, sucrose, corn syrup and we think, at least I thought, "Well all that's just another name for sugar." 

Or we think "huh?" 

For the next few days we are going to briefly examine the different forms of "sugar" and I'll help point out which forms are good and which are bad.  

Specifically, we are going to touch on Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose (also known as Table Sugar). 

Today's topic of interest: Fructose

Fructose has been found to be a major contributor to: 

• Insulin resistance and obesity

• Elevated blood pressure

•Elevated triglycerides (a type of fat found in your blood which lead to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, underactive thyroid and kidney disease). 

•Depletion of vitamins and minerals (low immune system) 

• Cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis and gout. 

Now that we're all effectively freaked out, let's explain exactly what fructose really is. 

Fructose itself is not bad.  After all, we do find it in God's naturally made fruits and veggies.

It's actually the insane amount of fructose that we've all been exposed to in man made foods that is extremely damaging to our bodies. 

When you consume fructose via fruits and vegetables, you are also receiving nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals. 

Also, when you eat fruits and vegetables you only consume about 15 grams of fructose. 

This is nothing compared to the 73 grams of fructose a typical American consumes per day from sweetened drinks alone. 

The reason why fructose is so bad for you is because: 

•Your liver is the only part of your body that metabolizes fructose, unlike glucose which metabolizes basically everywhere in your body. 

•People consume much more fructose in their daily foods which make its damaging qualities more prominant in your body. 

•Fructose turns into fatty acids and triglycerides and is stored as fat in your body. Yes, FAT!

•These fatty acids end up causing insulin resistance which eventually cause type 2 diabetes or liver disease. 

•Unlike glucose, fructose ends up turning into active glycerol which results in you storing more fat. 

•* Fructose interferes with the brain's communication with lepids, a hormone that relays messages from your brain to your body about whether you are hungry or full, which then results in overeating. 

I starred that last one because I think it's really important to know that essentially what is happening is that because of fructose, your brain is unable to tell your body that it's full. 

You're just going to keep eating and eating and eating and eating all day!!! 

This is why you hear so many people saying "I'm always hungry!" 

To give you one last example:

You will store less than 1 calorie as fat out of the 120 calories of glucose you consumed. 

With fructose however, out of 120 calories consumed, you'll store 49 calories as fat! 

What the sugar?!! 

Basically, fructose isn't that great. 

It won't be damaging if you're only consuming it by eating the proper amounts of fruits and veggies, but all that other stuff it's in.... that stuff's no good!! 

That fructose is one furious woman!! 

It's in everything guys. Don't kid yourselves. 
The point is to make wise choices. 
The bottom is better then the top. 

It was a bit longer then the last 2 weeks, but it was worth the wait! 

Joyful in all things,
                   Daisy Julia 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 14 of my NO SUGAR Journey: Yet Another Celebration!

It's beginning to get easier to not eat sugar. 

I don't even think about it throughout the day. 

Eating sugar use to be something I thought about all the time. 

I couldn't pass by a cafĂ© without dreaming about a chocolate Danish or a donut or a chai tea latte (which to my surprise DOES have sugar.) 

Basically all day was a struggle to get thoughts of sweets out of my head. 

One way or another I'd get my fix. 

However, now I go most of the day without even thinking about any sweets at all.  

The only times I really think about any sweets is when I pass a McDonalds, which is weird cause I don't even like McDonads.  

Even then I look away quickly and my mind is preoccupied with more important things. 

So I'm excited to share that my cravings are starting to dwindle down! 

We'll remember that on day 14 is when I stopped craving sugar so much. 

That's 2 weeks now!!! 

Yet another celebration! And like last week, I'm going to reward myself by continuing to stay consistent and diligent on this journey. 

Yay me! 

I seriously love Chipotle! (I think they're owned by McDonalds... Ironic) 

Chipotle has saved me from many unhealthy meals. 

When I'm on the go and want a good meal but have no time to make myself one, I go get myself a yummy bowl of brown rice, veggies, half steak half chicken, mild salsa, corn, cheese, guac, and lettus. 

Sooooo yummy! 

If you haven't tried it, you should!! 

Congratulations to you and to me for going 2 weeks without eating sugar! 

Joyful in all things,
                  Daisy Julia