Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 7 of my NO SUGAR Journey: Seven Hip Hip Hoorays!

It's day seven which means it's officially been a week since I last ate sugar! 

Congratulations me!! 

After a week I've lost 3lbs and have developed a smaller appetite. 

I've been drinking a lot of water and I'm wondering if that is contributing to the glow people say I have. 

It's becoming easier to find snacks to eat that are fun and don't contain sugar. 

Overall I feel pretty good about myself. 

I'm proud that I've stayed away from sugar for a week and I'm happy that I feel so good! 

I think I deserve to treat myself to some cookies. 


Isn't that the first thought we all have though after a week of dieting? 

"I've been really good for a week, I should reward myself with a goodie." 

That's probably the worst thing I could do for myself right now. It would be more of a punishment then a reward. 

Eating a goodie right now will only throw me back into my old habits and probably with more force. 

They always say that when you diet and then stop, it's hard to go back to dieting and the cravings return with a vengeance! 

I am going to reward myself by continuing to stay committed to not eating sugar for a month. 

This way, when I'm at my desired weight and my metabolism is working faster I'll actually be able to treat myself without having to worry about gaining weight. 

It's actually something I can look forward to!

Remember back when your metabolism was super fast and you could eat whatever you wanted without gaining weight?

Those were the good old days! 

The only way to get back to being able to enjoy a treat every now and again, without wanting to kill yourself, is to purge out all the sugar until you reach your desired weight. 

As a result your metabolism will speed up and you won't do as much damage on the scale when you have some brownies and ice cream. 

So keep it up! Don't lie to yourself and say it's just this once and tomorrow you'll continue on your diet. 

We all know that's just not true. 

You can do it! And pretty soon you're gonna look amazing and you'll be on that date sharing a chocolate cake with the cutie across the table while thinking "this is so much fun" and not "ugh why don't I have self control?!" 

There is a time to fast and there will be a time to enjoy! 

I look forward to that day! 

Seven Hip Hip Hoorays! 

These are my all time favorite cookies! But I am stronger than you cookies!! 

I served some to my mom today and I was strong enough to resist. 

I'm pretty proud of myself. 

7 days out of the way and 24 more days to go! 

Joyful in all things,
                   Daisy Julia 

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